Source code for discordDB.db

import discord

from .models import Data

[docs]class DiscordDB(object): """The Discord database client. Parameters ---------- bot : discord.ext.commands.Bot An instance of Client or Bot representing your discord application. db_channel_id : int An integer representing ID of Discord channel you want to be used as database. """ def __init__(self, bot, db_channel_id: int): self.__bot = bot self.__channel_id = db_channel_id @property def channel(self): """A property which returns an instance of ``discord.TextChannel`` which is being used as database.""" return self.__bot.get_channel(self.__channel_id)
[docs] async def set(self, data: dict) -> int: """A method to post and save data to your database channel. Parameters ---------- data : dict Dictionary representing your raw data. Returns ------- int An special integer which should be saved by the client to get this same data later. """ embed = discord.Embed.from_dict({ "fields": [{ "name": name, "value": value } for name, value in data.items()] }) message = await return
[docs] async def get(self, _id: int) -> Data: """A method used to get your saved data from the database channel. Parameters ---------- _id : int An special integer which was received from the :py:meth:`discordDB.DiscordDB.set` method. Returns ------- Data An instance of :py:class:`discordDB.models.Data`, similar to python dictionaries but also supports accessing of its key using . syntax. """ message = await _data = message.embeds[0].to_dict()["fields"] data = Data({_["name"]: _["value"] for _ in _data}) data.created_at = message.created_at return data